BMA in Brief – June 24, 2019

To help you stay informed we will do our best to provide high level summaries for the bi-monthly Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BMA) meetings. These summaries will be fact based with a focus on key items covered in the meetings and summaries of the votes taken. Where needed we will cover important discussions individually.

The supporting documents provided to the alderman can be found by clicking here.

The video for this meeting can be found on YouTube by clicking here. Technical difficulties resulted in the YouTube video cutting off shortly after the FY20 budget discussion was completed. The full stream of this meeting can be watched on the city’s web page by following this link. The meeting run time was 2 hours and 57 minutes.

In executive session the agenda was amended to move items a. and j. to the regular agenda. Item 20 was moved to the preliminary agenda.

6. Citizens to be Heard (15:04) Three citizens came forward to address the board. One on the recent flood and the potential purchase of Germantown Country Club, one on Germantown Helps and the final was a representative from Sen. Brian Kelsey’s office speaking to his efforts to get flood assistance from the State.

9. Beer Board (30:21) Permit to allow sale of beer for on-premise consumption at Tandem Restaurant. Approved (5-0)

10. Warrant – Thornwood Phase 5 (Moondance patio) (34:00) The proposal is for a warrant to allow Moondance to install a four season patio on the south east side of their restaurant in the Thornwood development. This area was previously approved for a pergola covered seating area. The proposed patio would be heated and air conditioned and allow for open air dining when temperatures permit. The warrant was Approved (3-2).

11. Ordinance 2019-10 Rezoning 15 Acres Fulmer Property – Second Reading and Public hearing (38:45) In the public hearing two citizens spoke of concerns with the proposed office development being adjacent to residential neighborhoods. The concept plan for the zoning approval includes three medical office buildings. The developer answered questions from the aldermen and continued to work with neighbors to address concerns. The second reading Passed (5-0)

12. Contract Professional Services Agreement Fire Station No 3. (1:04:24) This is approval for a contract with A2H for initial design services for the replacement of the 42 year old Fire Station No. 3 on Farmington Blvd. The $117,852 contract will cover work to identify potential locations and design costs for the replacement station. The contract was Approved (5-0)

13. Ordinance 2019-1 – Ordinance to Adopt FY20 Budget – Third Reading (1:07:39) The board reviewed the FY20 budget. Salaries were discussed including the Personnel Advisory Commission’s recommendation of a 3% market adjustment to salaries. While the budget did not include a raise for the city administrator, Alderman Sanders moved that the salary of the city administrator not be changed without a majority vote of the board. The motion also capped the Police Chief’s salary increase at 3%. That motion was approved. A second motion by Alderman Sanders was made to cap the director level positions increase at 3%. That motion failed. Alderman Massey expressed desire to have someone make to increase funding for drainage programs but never made the motion himself. Following extensive discussion.  Approved (4-1)

14. Ordinance 2019-2 – Year End Budget Adjustments – Third Reading – This ordinance makes the final adjustments needed to close out the city’s FY19 Budget. The detailed list of adjustments can be found in the above link to the Alderman’s Packets. Approved (5-0)

15. Ordinance 2019-3 Real and Personal Property Taxes – Third Reading – This ordinance establishes the property tax rate for the city for FY20. The rate is unchanged from FY19 and remains $1.95. Approved (4-1)

16. Ordinance 2019-4 GMSD Year End Budget Adjustments – Third Reading – The detailed list of budget adjustments proposed to close out the FY19 Budget.  The detail list is included in the supporting documents in the link above.  These adjustments have been approved by the GMSD Board of Education. Approved (5-0)

17. 19R01 – Resolution on Revenues – This resolution establishes rates, fines and fees for enterprise and special revenue funds. Approved (5-0)

18. 19R02 Resolution Capital Improvements Program – Section one of the resolution identifies funding sources for projects and section two identifies the proposed projects. There was some discussion about spending allocation to drainage projects. Approved (4-1)

19. Contract Extension no. 2 Library Services – The extension of a 2015 agreement with LSS. Administration proposed executing a one year option (one of three one year extensions for this contract).  There was no discussion. Approved (5-0)

20. Agreement – Parliamentarian – Following a six month trial period of with the Parliamentarian (Dr. Schultz) a one year contract was proposed.  The hourly rate is $150/hour with a limit of $10K per year with three one year extension options.  Approved (3-2)

21. Purchase – Repair to Wells No. 2 & 6 Johnson Rd. Plant, High Service Pump no. 3 – Durring annual inspection processes these three pumps were designated to be pulled for inspections.  During those inspections it was determined that maintenance was needed. Three pumps were pulled one pump was approved for repair however, the vendor proceeded to repair all three wells/pumps which exceeded approval thresholds for this work. Immediately work was stopped and the approval brought before the board.  Approved (3-2)

22. Preliminary Agenda – The amended preliminary agenda was summarized, motioned and seconded. There was no discussion. Approved (5-0)